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Learning Hindi

Why am I interested in learning Hindi?I thought it might come in handy at work.I will travel in India someday, when my kids are bigger.I thought it would be something fun to do with the kids.Hindi script is pretty.How am…

Henna on Wood Experiments

Warning! Science content! If you can't cope with a chemistry lesson today skip the following paragraph and move right on to the pictures.I've been learning a lot about the chemistry of henna in the last few years. One of the…

New Stuff!

We've got some new stuff at Henna Muse! We've just added some one of a kind, hand-made gifts. Right now we have some earrings and pendants and some hand-painted boxes. This page changes often as we make great new stuff.…

I feel so bad!

I have totally abandoned this blog! Well, here's the thing. I'm in the process of completely rebuilding my web site and store. It will be done by somewhere between Thanksgiving and February. I know that's a wide window, but it…

It was a rather exciting bridal appointment. First of all, because of babysitter issues and the fact that my best assistant is still in the feeding-baby-every-45-minutes stage of motherhood, I had to do a bride, 7 bridesmaids, 2 moms, a…

On Friday I had the opportunity to do henna at an event to raise awareness about Darfur. It included a traveling enactment of a refugee camp put on by The event included many ways to help including petitions and…

Handy new packaging for 2, 4, and 8 ounce sizes of paste! The tapered tip makes filling cones and smaller bottles easy and the red cap alows you to re-close the bottle to store leftovers. The tip can be cut…

Tags: henna, mehndi, glitter tattoos, swarovski crystals, bridal henna, bridal mehndiTags: Poe I did some more glitter work to post on the Henna Page for the monthly Artists' Challenge. These fingertips are done with moonlight Swarovski crystals in 3, 3.5…

Tags: henna, mehndi, mehandi, glitter, sardozi, glitter tattoos, swarovski crystals Henna Muse now has cosmetic glitters and swarovski crystals! Here's the glitter colors. You can order here: Check here to see the swarovski crystal colors: Here's some photos…

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