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Jamila 2015 Is Here!

Jamila 2015 is here!

The new crop of Jamila is in! Here is a first look at the paste and dye release test spot. You can see it is super creamy! Very smooth. Mixes with absolutely no lumps. jamila2105   The test spot is…

Maintaining a Standard: The BEST Henna.

Its important to me, and the reputation of Henna Muse, to always have a great, reliable henna that give fantastic color. I've been testing the waters on some new suppliers lately. This is a chore that requires some experimentation and research. I…

Henna on Wood Experiments

Warning! Science content! If you can't cope with a chemistry lesson today skip the following paragraph and move right on to the pictures.I've been learning a lot about the chemistry of henna in the last few years. One of the…

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